EntityFramework Reverse POCO


As is widely known, the new Entity Framework release, 7.x or Core, doesn’t support Database-First mode, which gives a easier approach when the developer needs to create a data model from an existing database, but also for EDMX models management, since it allows the graphical representation of derived entities and a more fluid management of the update procedure of the model itself. Operations like table adding, deleting or updating are easier indeed in EF6. Code-First, by its parts, possesses a greater flexibility and is preferable in case of complex projects (which can need the data model delocalization on an external DLL).
Despite it’s name, Code-First, is perfectly suited for working on already existent databases, in fact it allows also a partial derivation of entities, allowing to define in an incomplete way the table fields, reducing our models to what we really need for the particular situation of our programs. Obviously that doesn’t apply to all those conditions which could impede the correct referentiality or data congruency. The main problem, however, remains, and it’s still the fact that – having to work on an already created database – the developer will still have to define the data context, and all the classes which represents the tables (existent or simply to be used). That could be a trivial task if we are speaking about small databases, but in case of an entity number which exceeds the hundred, in which every table possesses many dozens of fields, the task increases in difficulty, and it’s more time-consuming.
In Database-First case, the solution will be easy: we’ll open the EDMX model, simply updating it by selecting the entities to add or remove, letting to EF the task of remodeling the classes. In Code-First, beyond the manual operations we must do nonetheless, it can be useful to have a tool which helps us in automate POCO (Plain-Old CLR object) entities creation, in order to make a little bit easier and faster (and gradual, too) the implementation of those classes we will need in our projects. And here comes in handy a great solution made by Simon Hughes Jump .
As described by the Visual Studio Gallery page of the project, EntityFramework Reverse POCO Generator allows the reverse engineering of an existent database, generating POCO classes, Configuration Mappings, and DbContext. It supports the SQL Server interfacing, in its desktop version and in Compact 4.0 too. In the following paragraphs we’ll see some basic precautions to use it, and we will do a test on a reduced database. This won’t give the reader the opportunity to fully appreciate the tool advantages, so the reader is invited to do some further tests on more important databases, in order to realize the potentiality of that instrument.
From our solution, after installing Entity Framework (6.x o 7.x version), we’ll proceed in adding a new item. Go to the «Data» section, then click «Click here to go online and find templates»


Let’s set a name for the T4 file, then proceed in adding it to our solution by clicking «Add» button. That will launch the VSIX Installer to download and install the tool for the first time. After the installation completes, Visual Studio will advise us to restart the IDE.
EntityFramework Reverse POCO Generator will include several files into our solution, The ones on which we will work directly will be template file (Database1.tt in the article) and – secondly, and only if required – on the class file linked to it (Database1.cs in the article). That file will contain, after the correct template configuration, the DbContext and the entire entities list, with their mappings. Please note that, the first time we will visualize the T4 files, the IDE warns us about a null reference error. That happens because the template need a particular connection string to work properly, and that string must be present in the App.config file.
That string can be removed from the App.config file when the model is successfully generated, and it must be included again only if we wish to refresh the model itself. That’s an important aspect, since in the case of a model delocalization into a DLL, separated from the main project, we won’t likely will our DLL to be dependent from duplicate connection string, to be found elsewhere than the main project. More on this will follow.

Generate TypeScript Classes from C#

When working with TypeScript it’s not unusual to need a class that matches an already existing server-side class written in C#. Here’s one way to get from C# to TypeScript by doing what you normally do

I often find myself passing a C# object created on the server to some TypeScript code so that the object’s data can be used on the client. To facilitate that, I need a TypeScript object to use on the client that has identical properties to my C# object. I can’t reuse C# objects in TypeScript, of course, but it would be great if I could just copy and paste my C# class from into my TypeScript code.

Which is exactly what TypeScriptSyntaxPaste does. There’s only one major limitation: TypeScriptSyntaxPaste needs the Rosalyn compiler, which means it’s only available in Visual Studio 2015.

To use TypeScriptSyntaxPaste, you just need to install it from the Visual Studio Tools | Extensions menu. Once you’ve installed TypeScriptSyntaxPaste, the utility is pretty much invisible. It’s just that, from now on, whenever you copy some C# code and paste it into a TypeScript file (either .ts or .tsx), TypeScriptSyntaxPaste will step in and make a good faith effort to convert that C# code to TypeScript.

Because all I want are the property definitions from my C# class, I usually just have to delete some of the TypeScriptSyntaxPaste generated code to get the TypeScript class I want. For example, if I copy this C# class:

public class MyClass
private string Id;
public MyClass(string Id)
this.Id = Id;
public string prop1 { get; set; }
public string prop2 { get; set; }

I get this TypeScript class when I paste into a TypeScript file:

export class MyClass {
private Id: string;
constructor(Id: string) {
this Id = Id;
public prop1: string;
public prop2: string;

Because all I want are the property definitions, I just need to delete the constructor out of this class.

You can tweak how TypeScriptSyntaxPaste transforms your code in Tools | Options | TypeScript Paste. TypeScriptSyntaxPaste lets you specify that you want to have an interface rather than a class generated when you paste; you can also have all C# Lists converted to TypeScript arrays. Even with those tweaks, for any interesting class, I suspect you’ll need to do some editing to get the TypeScript code you want. But you’ll have far less work to do and far less chance of accidentally forgetting some property if you use TypeScriptSyntaxPaste. I just wish it worked with Visual Basic, too.

Credit Author: http://blog.learningtree.com/tag/ui/.


BizTalk Server 2013 R2: Installation and Configuration – Important considerations before set up the server (Part 1)

Sandro Pereira BizTalk Blog

This series of posts will explain in detail – a step-by-step guideline – how to install and configure Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2 on a standalone environment running Windows Server 2012 R2. This information will help you plan the installation and configuration of BizTalk Server 2013 R2, applications and components on which it depends focused on creating a development environment (you can also follow this tutorial to help you create production environments, however if this is the case you need to skip some steps).

Assumptions and out of scope

It will be assumed that the operating system: Windows Server 2012 R2 and latest critical Windows updates from Microsoft already have been installed.

In this scenario it will be performed a full installation of Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2, with the exception of the deprecated SharePoint Adapter (SharePoint Services Service Side Object Model (SSOM)). The following components will be installed:

  • Enterprise…

View original post 1,782 more words

Link to Everything: A List of LINQ Providers

General .NET Interview Questions

What is an application server?
As defined in Wikipedia, an application server is a software engine that delivers applications to client computers or devices. The application server runs your server code. Some well known application servers are IIS (Microsoft), WebLogic Server (BEA), JBoss (Red Hat), WebSphere (IBM).
Compare C# and VB.NET
A detailed comparison can be found over here.
What is a base class and derived class?
A class is a template for creating an object. The class from which other classes derive fundamental functionality is called a base class. For e.g. If Class Y derives from Class X, then Class X is a base class.
The class which derives functionality from a base class is called a derived class. If Class Y derives from Class X, then Class Y is a derived class.
What is an extender class?
An extender class allows you to extend the functionality of an existing control. It is used in Windows forms applications to add properties to controls.
A demonstration of extender classes can be found over here.
What is inheritance?
Inheritance represents the relationship between two classes where one type derives functionality from a second type and then extends it by adding new methods, properties, events, fields and constants.
C# support two types of inheritance:
·         Implementation inheritance
·         Interface inheritance
What is implementation and interface inheritance?
When a class (type) is derived from another class(type) such that it inherits all the members of the base type it is Implementation Inheritance.
When a type (class or a struct) inherits only the signatures of the functions from another type it is Interface Inheritance.
In general Classes can be derived from another class, hence support Implementation inheritance. At the same time Classes can also be derived from one or more interfaces. Hence they support Interface inheritance.
Source: Exforsys.
What is inheritance hierarchy?
The class which derives functionality from a base class is called a derived class. A derived class can also act as a base class for another class. Thus it is possible to create a tree-like structure that illustrates the relationship between all related classes. This structure is known as the inheritance hierarchy.
How do you prevent a class from being inherited?
In VB.NET you use the NotInheritable modifier to prevent programmers from using the class as a base class. In C#, use the sealed keyword.
When should you use inheritance?
Read this.
Define Overriding?
Overriding is a concept where a method in a derived class uses the same name, return type, and arguments as a method in its base class. In other words, if the derived class contains its own implementation of the method rather than using the method in the base class, the process is called overriding.
Can you use multiple inheritance in .NET?
.NET supports only single inheritance. However the purpose is accomplished using multiple interfaces.
Why don’t we have multiple inheritance in .NET?
There are several reasons for this. In simple words, the efforts are more, benefits are less. Different languages have different implementation requirements of multiple inheritance. So in order to implement multiple inheritance, we need to study the implementation aspects of all the languages that are CLR compliant and then implement a common methodology of implementing it. This is too much of efforts. Moreover multiple interface inheritance very much covers the benefits that multiple inheritance has.
What is an Interface?
An interface is a standard or contract that contains only the signatures of methods or events. The implementation is done in the class that inherits from this interface. Interfaces are primarily used to set a common standard or contract.
When should you use abstract class vs interface or What is the difference between an abstract class and interface?
I would suggest you to read this. There is a good comparison given over here.
What are events and delegates?
An event is a message sent by a control to notify the occurrence of an action. However it is not known which object receives the event. For this reason, .NET provides a special type called Delegate which acts as an intermediary between the sender object and receiver object.
What is business logic?
It is the functionality which handles the exchange of information between database and a user interface.
What is a component?
Component is a group of logically related classes and methods. A component is a class that implements the IComponent interface or uses a class that implements IComponent interface.
What is a control?
A control is a component that provides user-interface (UI) capabilities.
What are the differences between a control and a component?
The differences can be studied over here.
What are design patterns?
Design patterns are common solutions to common design problems.
What is a connection pool?
A connection pool is a ‘collection of connections’ which are shared between the clients requesting one. Once the connection is closed, it returns back to the pool. This allows the connections to be reused.
What is a flat file?
A flat file is the name given to text, which can be read or written only sequentially.
What are functional and non-functional requirements?
Functional requirements defines the behavior of a system whereas non-functional requirements specify how the system should behave; in other words they specify the quality requirements and judge the behavior of a system.
Functional – Display a chart which shows the maximum number of products sold in a region.
Non-functional – The data presented in the chart must be updated every 5 minutes.
What is the global assembly cache (GAC)?
GAC is a machine-wide cache of assemblies that allows .NET applications to share libraries. GAC solves some of the problems associated with dll’s (DLL Hell).
What is a stack? What is a heap? Give the differences between the two?
Stack is a place in the memory where value types are stored. Heap is a place in the memory where the reference types are stored.
Check this link for the differences.
What is instrumentation?
It is the ability to monitor an application so that information about the application’s progress, performance and status can be captured and reported.
What is code review?
The process of  examining the source code generally through a peer, to verify it against best practices.
What is logging?
Logging is the process of persisting information about the status of an application.
What are mock-ups?
Mock-ups are a set of designs in the form of screens, diagrams, snapshots etc., that helps verify the design and acquire feedback about the application’s requirements and use cases, at an early stage of the design process.
What is a Form?
A form is a representation of any window displayed in your application. Form can be used to create standard, borderless, floating, modal windows.
What is a multiple-document interface(MDI)?
A user interface container that enables a user to work with more than one document at a time. E.g. Microsoft Excel.
What is a single-document interface (SDI) ?
A user interface that is created to manage graphical user interfaces and controls into single windows. E.g. Microsoft Word
What is BLOB ?
A BLOB (binary large object) is a large item such as an image or an exe  represented in binary form.
What is ClickOnce?
ClickOnce is a new deployment technology that allows you to create and publish self-updating applications that can be installed and run with minimal user interaction.
What is object role modeling (ORM) ?
It is a logical model for designing and querying database models. There are various ORM tools in the market like CaseTalk, Microsoft Visio for Enterprise Architects, Infagon etc.
What is a private assembly?
A private assembly is local to the installation directory of an application and is used only by that application.
What is a shared assembly?
A shared assembly is kept in the global assembly cache (GAC) and can be used by one or more applications on a machine.
What is the difference between user and custom controls?
User controls are easier to create whereas custom controls require extra effort.
User controls are used when the layout is static whereas custom controls are used in dynamic layouts.
A user control cannot be added to the toolbox whereas a custom control can be.
A separate copy of a user control is required in every application that uses it whereas since custom controls are stored in the GAC, only a single copy can be used by all applications.
Where do custom controls reside?
In the global assembly cache (GAC).
What is a third-party control ?
A third-party control is one that is not created by the owners of a project. They are usually used to save time and resources and reuse the functionality developed by others (third-party).
What is a binary formatter?
Binary formatter is used to serialize and deserialize an object in binary format.
What is Boxing/Unboxing?
Boxing is used to convert value types to object.
E.g. int x = 1;
object obj = x ;
Unboxing is used to convert the object back to the value type.
E.g. int y = (int)obj;
Boxing/unboxing is quiet an expensive operation.
What is a COM Callable Wrapper (CCW)?
CCW is a wrapper created by the common language runtime(CLR) that enables COM components to access .NET objects.
What is a Runtime Callable Wrapper (RCW)?
RCW is a wrapper created by the common language runtime(CLR) to enable .NET components to call COM components.
What is a digital signature?
A digital signature is an electronic signature used to verify/gurantee the identity of the individual who is sending the message.
What is garbage collection?
Garbage collection is the process of managing the allocation and release of memory in your applications. Read this article for more information.
What is globalization?
Globalization is the process of customizing applications that support multiple cultures and regions.
What is localization?
Localization is the process of customizing applications that support a given culture and regions.

Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was Learning How to Code

Before you learn to code, think aboutwhat you want to code

Knowing how to code is mostly about building things, and the path is a lot clearer when you have a sense of the end goal. If your goal is “learn to code,” without a clear idea of the kinds of programs you will write and how they will make your life better, you will probably find it a frustrating exercise.

I’m a little ashamed to admit that part of my motivation for studying computer science was that I wanted to prove I was smart, and I wanted to be able to get Smart Person jobs. I also liked thinking about math and theory (this book blew my mind at an impressionable age) and the program was a good fit. It wasn’t enough to sustain me for long, though, until I found ways to connect technology to the things I really loved, like music and literature.

So, what do you want to code? Websites? Games? iPhone apps? A startup that makes you rich? Interactive art? Do you want to be able to impress your boss or automate a tedious task so you can spend more time looking at otter pictures? Perhaps you simply want to be more employable, add a buzzword to your resume, or fulfill the requirements of your educational program. All of these are worthy goals. Make sure you know which one is yours, and study accordingly.

There’s nothing mystical about it

Coding is a skill like any other. Like language learning, there’s grammar and vocabulary to acquire. Like math, there are processes to work through specific types of problems. Like all kinds of craftsmanship and art-making, there are techniques and tools and best practices that people have developed over time, specialized to different tasks, that you’re free to use or modify or discard.

This guy (a very smart guy! Whose other writings I enjoy and frequently agree with!) posits that there is a bright line between people with the True Mind of a Programmer and everyone else, who are lacking the intellectual capacity needed to succeed in the field. That bright line consists, according to him, of pointers and recursion (there are primers here and here for the curious).

I learned about pointers and recursion in school, and when I understood them, it was a delightful jolt to my brain — the kind of intellectual pleasure that made me want to study computer science in the first place. But, outside of classroom exercises, the number of times I’ve had to be familiar with either concept to get things done has been relatively small. And when helping others learn, over and over again, I’ve watched people complete interesting and rewarding projects without knowing anything about either one.

There’s no point in being intimidated or wondering if you’re Smart Enough. Sure, the more complex and esoteric your task, the higher the level of mastery you will need to complete it. But this is true in absolutely every other field. Unless you’re planning to make your living entirely by your code, chances are you don’t have to be a recursion-understanding genius to make the thing you want to make.

It never works the first time

And probably won’t the second or third time

When you first start learning to code, you’ll very quickly run up against this particular experience: you think you’ve set up everything the way you’re supposed to, you’ve checked and re-checked it, and it still. doesn’t. work.You don’t have a clue where to begin trying to fix it, and the error message (if you’re lucky enough to have one at all) might as well say “fuck you.” You might be tempted to give up at this point, thinking that you’ll never figure it out, that you’re not cut out for this. I had that feeling the first time I tried to write a program in C++, ran it, and got only the words “segmentation fault” for my trouble.

But this experience is so common for programmers of all skill levels that it says absolutely nothing about your intelligence, tech-savviness, or suitability for the coding life. It will happen to you as a beginner, but it will also happen to you as an experienced programmer. The main difference will be in how you respond to it.

I’ve found that a big difference between new coders and experienced coders is faith: faith that things are going wrong for a logical and discoverable reason, faith that problems are fixable, faith that there is a way to accomplish the goal. The path from “not working” to “working” might not be obvious, but with patience you can usually find it.

Someone will always tell you you’re doing it wrong

Braces should go on the next line. Braces should go on the same line. Use tabs to indent. But tabs are evil. You should use stored procedures, but actually you shouldn’t use them. You should always comment your code. Butgood code doesn’t need comments.

There are almost always many different approaches to a particular problem, with no single “right way.” A lot of programmers get very good at advocating for their preferred way, but that doesn’t mean it’s the One True Path. Going head-to-head with people telling me I was Wrong, and trying to figure out if they were right, was one of the more stressful aspects of my early career.

If you’re coding in a team with other people, someone will almost certainly take issue with something that you’re doing. Sometimes they’ll be absolutely correct, and it’s always worth investigating to see whether you are, in fact, Doing It Wrong. But sometimes they will be full of shit, or re-enacting an ancient and meaningless dispute where it would be best to just follow a style guide and forget about it.

On the other hand, if you’re the kind of person who enjoys ancient but meaningless disputes (grammar nerds, I’m looking at you), you’ve come to the right place.

Someone will always tell you you’re not a real coder

HTML isn’t real coding. If you don’t use vi, you’re not really serious. Real programmers know C. Real coders don’t do Windows. Some people will never be able to learn it. You shouldn’t learn to code. You’re not a computer programmer (but I am).

“Coding” means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and it looks different now from how it used to. And, funnily enough, the tools and packages and frameworks that make it faster and easier for newcomers or even trained developers to build things are most likely to be tarred with the “not for REAL coders” brush. (See: “Return of the Real Programmer”)

Behind all this is the fear that if “anyone” can call themselves a programmer, the title will become meaningless. But I think that this gatekeeping is destructive.

Use the tools that make it easiest to build the things you want to build. If that means your game was made in Stencyl or GameMaker rather than written from scratch, that’s fine. If your first foray into coding is HTML or Excel macros, that’s fine. Work with something you feel you can stick with.

As you get more comfortable, you’ll naturally start to find those tools limiting rather than helpful and look for more powerful ones. But most of the time, few people will ever even look at your code or even ask what you used — It’s what you make with it that counts.

Worrying about “geek cred” will slowly kill you

See above. I used to worry a lot, especially in school, about whether I was identifying myself as “not a real geek” (and therefore less worthy of inclusion in tech communities) through my clothing, my presentation, my choice of reading material and even my software customization choices. It was a terrible waste of energy and I became a lot more functional after I made the decision to let it all go.

You need to internalize this: your ability to get good at coding has nothing to do with how well you fit into the various geek subcultures. This goes double if you know deep down that you’ll never quite fit. The energy you spend proving yourself should be going into making things instead. And, if you’re an indisputable geek with cred leaking from your eye sockets, keep this in mind for when you’re evaluating someone else’s cred level. It may not mean what you think it does.

Sticking with it is more important than the method

There’s no shortage of articles about the “right” or “best” way to learn how to code, and there are lots of potential approaches. You can learn the concepts from a book or by completing interactive exercises or bydebugging things that others have written. And, of course, there are lots of languages you might choose as your first to learn, with advocates for each.

A common complaint with “teach yourself to code” programs and workshops is that you’ll breeze happily through the beginner material and then hit a steep curve where things get more difficult very quickly. You know how to print some lines of text on a page but have no idea where to start working on a “real,” useful project. You might feel like you were just following directions without really understanding, and blame the learning materials.

When you get to this stage, most of the tutorials and online resources available to you are much less useful because they assume you’re already an experienced and comfortable programmer. The difficulty is further compounded by the fact that “you don’t know what you don’t know.” Even trying to figure out what to learn next is a puzzle in itself.

You’ll hit this wall no matter what “learn to code” program you follow, and the only way to get past it is to persevere. This means you keep trying new things, learning more information, and figuring out, piece by piece, how to build your project. You’re a lot more likely to find success in the end if you have a clear idea of why you’re learning to code in the first place.

If you keep putting bricks on top of each other, it might take a long time but eventually you’ll have a wall. This is where that faith I mentioned earlier comes in handy. If you believe that with time and patience you can figure the whole coding thing out, in time you almost certainly will.

Hide Ribbon on SharePoint 2013 using CSS

Awesome Post very helpful

Share SharePoint Points !

Hi Guys,

I recently experienced the migration from SharePoint 2010 to 2013. I was earlier hiding Ribbon using the SPSecurityTrimmedControl and CSS. But in SP 2013 MS has divided whole ribbon in two section: s4-ribbonrow and suiteBar

Hiding the ribbon is as much as easier as it was in 2010 version. But here we just need to take care of above two mentioned sections. I have gone thorough some of the blogs where people are saying that we have change the html file(Seattle.html or oslo.html) and design manger will take care of creating master page for you (ref: Hide Ribbon).

But there is another traditional way of doing same, follow the given steps:

1) Open the master page file in the SharePoint designer.

2) Add the style tag to hide the ribbon for all the user:

#s4-ribbonrow, #suiteBar { display : none; }

3) Now we have to do…

View original post 59 more words

Sharepoint online you do not have permissions to open this site on designer

I recently tried opening my SharePoint Online site using SharePoint 2013 and I got this strange error

“You do not have permissions to open this site on designer” I tried installing SharePoint Designer 2010 and still had no luck.

After a long research on the internet of things

I uninstalled Sharepoint Designer 2010 and 2013.

I then install office 2013 click to run from the office 365 download and installed SharePoint designer from office 365 as well.

Once installed i was able to edit SharePoint sites without getting the error.

SharePoint 2013 Site Templates PowerShell Codes

  • GLOBAL#0 Global template
  • STS#0 Team Site
  • STS#1Blank Site
  • STS#2 Document Workspace
  • MPS#0 Basic Meeting Workspace
  • MPS#1 Blank Meeting Workspace
  • MPS#2 Decision Meeting Workspace
  • MPS#3 Social Meeting Workspace
  • MPS#4 Multipage Meeting Workspace
  • CENTRALADMIN#0 Central Admin Site
  • WIKI#0 Wiki Site
  • BLOG#0 Blog
  • SGS#0 Group Work Site
  • TENANTADMIN#0 Tenant Admin Site
  • APP#0 App Template
  • APPCATALOG#0 App Catalog Site
  • ACCSRV#0 Access Services Site
  • ACCSVC#0 Access Services Site Internal
  • ACCSVC#1 Access Services Site
  • BDR#0 Document Center
  • DEV#0 Developer Site
  • DOCMARKETPLACESITE#0 Academic Library
  • EDISC#0 Discovery Center
  • EDISC#1 Discovery Case
  • OFFILE#0 (obsolete) Records Center
  • OFFILE#1 Records Center
  • OSRV#0 Shared Services Administration Site
  • PPSMASite#0 PerformancePoint
  • BICenterSite#0 Business Intelligence Center
  • SPS#0 SharePoint Portal Server Site
  • SPSPERS#0 SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space
  • SPSPERS#2 Storage And Social SharePoint Portal …
  • SPSPERS#3 Storage Only SharePoint Portal Server…
  • SPSPERS#4 Social Only SharePoint Portal Server …
  • SPSPERS#5 Empty SharePoint Portal Server Person…
  • SPSMSITE#0 Personalization Site
  • SPSTOC#0 Contents area Template
  • SPSTOPIC#0 Topic area template
  • SPSNEWS#0 News Site
  • CMSPUBLISHING#0 Publishing Site
  • BLANKINTERNET#0 Publishing Site
  • BLANKINTERNET#1 Press Releases Site
  • BLANKINTERNET#2 Publishing Site with Workflow
  • SPSNHOME#0 News Site
  • SPSSITES#0 Site Directory
  • SPSCOMMU#0 Community area template
  • SPSREPORTCENTER#0 Report Center
  • SPSPORTAL#0 Collaboration Portal
  • SRCHCEN#0 Enterprise Search Center
  • PROFILES#0 Profiles
  • BLANKINTERNETCONT… Publishing Portal
  • SPSMSITEHOST#0 My Site Host
  • ENTERWIKI#0 Enterprise Wiki
  • PROJECTSITE#0 Project Site
  • PRODUCTCATALOG#0 Product Catalog
  • COMMUNITY#0 Community Site
  • COMMUNITYPORTAL#0 Community Portal
  • SRCHCENTERLITE#0 Basic Search Center
  • SRCHCENTERLITE#1 Basic Search Center
  • visprus#0 Visio Process Repository